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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  October 8, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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adding up the costs of the damage after yet another vandalism rampage in downtown oakland. good afternoon. i'm tori campbell. cleanup has been job number one after a protest lead to vandalism overnight in oakland. ktvu's tara moriarty joins us live from oakland where there are still a lot of questions surrounding this protest and the police response.
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tara? >> reporter: well, a lot of people that we spoke to said they didn't see any police out here. we did put a call into the oakland police department. but we've not heard back yet. these anti-war protesters went on a rampage. this is the oakland tribune building where they smashed paint balls and they broke some windows and then as we sort of pan over here to the left. these are the offices for the berkeley lab and there is a surveillance camera perched up here where vandals struck and police will be taking a look at that video. now, this morning, crews power sprayed the paint off the tribune building but the other two windows on the be as easy to fix. we're told it will cost $6,000 to replace them. this began at 6:00 last night. about 200 people gathered at frank ogawa plaza in the
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evening. they timed this to the estart of the war in afghanistan. the demonstrators went on a march. and when they circled back to city hall, they struck three banks, sears, the three banks and cars parked along the street. >> i don't know how they believe that we are part of the enemy. we're just hard-working people. >> they just have nothing to do except this. >> it makes me very sad. >> what? because we have a nice car? we work hard for our money. >> and to see our home town coming to challenges like this? >> reporter: from what we can deal, the building with the most damage, california bank. it will cost thousands of dollars to replace at least nine broken windows that we counted. right now they are power spraying some of the paint off. the march only lasted about 30,
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40 minutes. police say it wasn't enough time respond or come to mutual aid. live in oakland, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. and in san francisco, an occupy protest there on saturday ended in almost two dozen arrests. police say the protesters tried to block the streets and the businesses. they also say some of the activities threwob jects at police hitting one officer in the head. >> protesters threw ziplock bags, some of the bags of paint contain rocks. there's definitely intent to injure. >> they acted out of line, out of policy. they were just crazy. >> reporter: that man says police jumped the gun when they went to make an arrest.
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in total 22 people were arrested by police. some of the charges include conspiracy, rioting and refusing to obey a lawful order torques obey a lawful order from a police officer. san francisco police say many of the protesters arrested on saturday are suspected from a similar protest in the mission district last month. right now, alaska airlines is trying to fix a system-wide computer glitch that's causing major long delays. long loans form at seattle airport. company officials say a data connection problem that began about 7:30 this morning left the airline unable to check in passengers. here in the bay area, oakland airport says the problem has led to delays up to 35 minutes. there's no word on how san jose and san francisco airports are expected. officials say they expect to have the problem fully resolved by 5:00 tonight. in election news, a new poll finds that since their first debate, mitt romney has pulled even with president
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obama. according to gallup's daily tracking survey, 47% of registered voter and 47% -- voters support the president and 47% back romney. and governor romney slammed president obama's foreign policies this morning during a speech at the virginia military institute. he says the president is leading from behind instead of using the country's power to shake history. romney also portrayed the administration as weak for changing its explanation for last month's deadly attacks on the us consulate in libya. >> this latest assault cannot be blamed on a reprehensible resolving israel. no, the administration has finally conceded these attacks were the deliberate work of terrorists. >> the obama campaign is dismillsing romney's speech --
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is -- is dismissioning romney's speech -- dismissing romney's speech,. the president is arriving here in the bay area. he's in kern county right now to dedicate a memorial to the late leader cesar chavez. he's speaking there. you can barely see him. he's greeting some supporters there. we'll have a report shortly from san francisco on the president's here to the bay area. early voting begins in california today. if you want to vote early, just head to your county election office. however, most county offices are closed today for columbus day. ballots for people voting by mail will be sent tomorrow. 32 states and the district of columbia offer some form of early voting. gasoline prices already hitting records went up again overnight, rising to 4.67 a
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gallon. senator dianne feinstein has called for a federal investigation. she does not think this spike is related to supply and demand. meanwhile, governor jerry brown is trying to increase the gasoline supply. he ordered state smock regulators to allow winter blend gasoline to be sold earlier than usually. that tip itically doesn't happen -- that typically doesn't happen until after halloween. taxi drivers are among those getting hit hard. >> the cost does not go to the cab company. just to the driver. the price of the fare is still the same. really, i'm taking the hit. >> analysts at predicted prices could hit as high as $4.85 a gallon before they come down. andrea found a round-trip drive in an sedan from san francisco to los angeles costs about $18
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5. a round-trip ticket from san francisco to los angeles, about $25 left. >> reporter: the motts toe here is go big or go home. we'll show you which of these pumpkins won the prize in half moon day today. steve paulson is up in a few minutes to tell you if the bay area continues to see cooler temperatures. also we'll tell you who is calling for a boycott of a bay area supermarket chain and why. ?o?ooooóññ
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and liftoff! >> a california company is taking a half ton of flesh suppliers to the international space station. space-x launched this rocket from florida last night. nasa has a contract for a total of 12 deliveries by the unmanned dragon capsule. not only will it take food, clothes and experiments to the space station, it will also bring back tons of trash and equipment. only one more day until 43- year-old felix bumgardner is scheduled to -- until -- is scheduled to hoist off in this
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capsule. hopes to -- he hopes to break two words, falling at 17,000 feet and falling the fastest by breaking the sound barrier. the family of a murdered hercules woman is using a website to help find her killers. the vehicle is a sky blue subaru outback with idaho license plates, they would like anyone to call if they have seen where this car went. mervyndymally died. he spent more than a decade in congress where he was chairman of the congressional black caucus. he passed away over the weekend in los angeles. he was 86. in just over 24 hours, the
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san francisco board of supervisors will decide whether suspended sheriff ross mirkarimi will keep his job. the board is scheduled to vote at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow, nine of the 11 board members must vote against mirkarimi in order to permanently remove him from office. this all comes after he pleaded guilty to false imprisonment related to an argument in which he grab and bruised his wife's arm on new year's eve. vicki hennessey is serving as the interim sheriff. pumpkin growers from around the country converged on half moon bay for the annual weigh- off. and this year, there was a state record. >> here we go! [ cheers ] >> ya william! >> reporter: at a whopping 1,775 pounds, this was the winner of the weighoff.
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the cash prize -- 10,600. >> my family is my secret. i couldn't do it without them. >> reporter: for all of the pumpkin growers today, today was a long end of a journey. >> it was a flower on the 23rd of june. >> reporter: from seeds to full- grown squash. this man had a 1400-pound pumpkin to show off. >> if it gets soiled just right and the weather is just right, and you get everything else just right, maybe you will get lucky enough to have a big pumpkin. >> reporter: for many, the biggest challenge is getting it here. >> getting it on the roads with the crazy traffic and the narrow lanes. >> reporter: they are strapped and padded with mattresses and placed on styrofoam beds to prevent disqualifying cracks on the side. this year, there was an extra prize for breaking the record. >> over 2,000 pounds, we're gonna give the winning grower
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$25,000. that's pretty enticing to give people down here today. >> reporter: even though none of them reached that mark, they were monseerous enough to -- monsterous enough to delight the crowd. back to you. 90 minutes ago, coalition of community groups called for a boycott at the san jose grocery chain mi pueblo. [ cheers ] >> activists are calling on mi pueblo to stand up for their employees and rescind the rescission to cooperate. the federal program checks the immigration status of workers. last week, the company said it joined after officials launched and audit of its existing workers. activists say that currently mi pueblo is in the mid of a labor dispute -- midst of a labor
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dispute. the 2012 nobel prize in medicine this morning was announced this morning. john gurden and the man from japan were awarded the prize for stem cell discoveries. the two men will split the $1.2 million prize money. the nobel prize money will be split among them. after this weekend's disappointing playoff performances, both playoff teams find themselves on the brink of elimination. the as are at home. it's set for 5:30 in front of city hall. >> a high deep drive and that's gonna win it for the detroit tigers. >> the as lost a crows one. the tigers won 5-4. the as trail in the best of five
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playoff series. 2-1 games. the next time is tomorrow night at the oakland coliseum. 2nd inning -- >> and the giants also play a must-win game tomorrow after losing last night to the cincinnati red at at&t park. the red beat the giants 9-0. the giants must now win three games in a row and great american ballpark in cincinnati. well, mostly sunny. a few low clouds around. i will tell you, this morning, it was cold around the area. had some 30s, even some 40s. but we have a lot of sunshine there. you can see a few of those patchy clouds around. overall, also a westerly breeze. temperatures kind of cooling off a few degrees from sunday. we had a little warmup. a low responsible for finally to beginning to pack its bags. it doesn't look like it will
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visit us. maybe the eastern edge of it. but it's going to slide down the coast. as it does, it could give the santa cruz mountains some light shower activity. that would be tomorrow, not today. yesterday, 76. livermore, gilroy, today we're going 71, 72, 73 degrees. about 4 to 5 degrees cooler for most locations. one 70 at antioch. just right at 70. close for napa airport and fairfield. a lot of 60s. everyone is pretty close. 62 to 70. so coast, bay, inland, not much of a difference. still a westerly component. so a sea breeze in place. there is our low. it's finally getting kicked or bumped along by that system spinning out here. that system is moving it along. but everyone says it will come right about to the golden gate and go right down the coast and start heading in towards south of monterey. tuesday would be the best opportunity for wednesday. but the track shows every sign of heading at least south of
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us. it is actually a better place for san francisco. fog, sun, very little fog. a little breezy, a cooler afternoon. but at least it's mostly sunny. we have 60s and 7s on the temperatures. mid 7 -- 70s on the temperatures. we combine that westerly breeze. temperatures, we this time last week, it was -- this time last week, it was hot, hot. that's all gone. we'll see these temperatures until about wednesday and then clearing out until the weekend. it's getting to be that time of year, where is our first rain? >> right. >> no sign of anything? >> no. >> not yet. >> as weigh mentioned earlier, the -- as we mentioned earlier, the president is making another visit to the bay area. alex savidge is live at sfo with more.
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what's on the agenda? >> reporter: well, the president touches down in just about one hour here at sfo. we're awaiting his arrival. once he gets here, he will greet some of his supporters. the folks will come down here and greet the president. after that he will head right off to san francisco. now, while he's in town,ese only in town -- he's only in ton for less than 24 hours. he does expect to bring in a good amount of cash at fund- raisers. his first stop will be the intercontinental hotel for a private fund-raiser. outside, there are already no- parking signs in place. police are setting up barricades. there will be a number of street closures around the city this afternoon. around 5:30, the president heads to the bill graham civic auditorium for a $20,000 a plate dinner knolled by a concert. john legend will perform and 49ers quarterback alex smith will be on hand for that event. this bay area visit is part of
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a two-day fund-raising swing through california. president obama was in l.a. last night and this morning, on his way north, he stopped in bakesserfield, to dedicate a new monument at the grave site of cesar chavez. >> he believed when someone who works 12 hours a day in the field can earn enough to put food on the table and maybe save up enough to buy a home, that makes our community 0 stronger and lifts up -- community stronger and lifts up our community. >> reporter: overall, this trip to california could push the president over the $1 billion mark in terms of fund-raising with only a month to go before the election. all of the rain raised during the president's visit in the bay area will go to the obama victory fund. keep in mind, the president will be met with some protests
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as well. several groups including several anti-war oh,s are planning to hold a rally and march at civic center plaza as the president gets set to arrive at bill graham auditorium. as well, the president arriving an hour and a half right now. he's only staying. we're live this afternoon at sfo, alex savage, ktvu channel 2 news. and a few streets in san francisco will be congested this evening this afternoon. but most of the city is back to normal. things went pretty smoothly after having a million visitors in the city. other than the president's visit, there's only one more event happening today and that's the final day of fleet week. other events include the castro street fair, the harley grass blues festival. you can tell it was a busy weekend. just by looking at the transportation records. b.a.r.t. broke their record with her
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than 319,000 passengersp. on muni, it was standing-room only. but passengers say despite the tight condition, they managed to get where they need to go. it's the busiest i've ever seen it. >> super packed. super packed. >> it is crowded. it's crowded. i've seen it worse. >> some people even oed to get around the city by bike to avoid congested traffic. still avoid a store chain is about to open its first outlet in san francisco. ♪
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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investors wary due to a poor corporate anticipated earnings report. both -- the dow is down 16. the nasdaq is down 19. the s&p is down 3. the first-ever target store in san francisco will soon open. the grand opening of city target is october 14th. the new store is smaller than other target stores t will open early at 7:00 a.m. during the week. that's to give computers a chance to shop before work. and the world's largest hot air balloon festival is underway. nearly 500 balloons launched yesterday at the 41st annual albuquerque international balloon fiesta. bad weather pushed back the start of the event which had been scheduled to begin on saturday.
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the visitors said they forgot all about the clouds when they saw the balloons rising in the sky. today at 5:00 we're following president obama as he makes his way to the bay area on his california campaign. our crews are there waiting for his arrival. this as we're getting word of a protest set for this afternoon. thank you for trusting the news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. be sure to join us again at 5:00. we're always here for you at and mobile
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